Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Potty Training for Toddlers

After all that investment in interior decorating it pays to have your toddler potty trained so as to maintain the homes décor and style. Potty training need not be a messy affair as long as both the parent and the toddler are ready and prepared. The first thing is to invest in a good and colourful potty, one that as much as possible resembles the adult toilet bowl, only in smaller dimensions and design. This should be placed in the adult bathroom, close to the toilet bowl, to give the toddler the idea that they are to graduate from the smaller one to the bigger one after successful training.

Tips for Successful Potty Training

With this done, the toddler should be encouraged to sit on the potty as often as possible so as to familiarize themselves with this new gadget. At first this should be done without removing the diaper just so that they can get used to sitting on it. By the time potty training is started, some speech has developed and most toddlers can communicate that they have soiled their diaper. This same language, that they understand, is to be used to train them to use the potty by removing the diaper or training pants and having the toddler sit on the potty and asking him to ‘soil’ the potty.

When this is continued regularly and the toddler is well rewarded for ‘soiling’ the potty, they are encouraged to ‘soil’ the potty when the need arises. It is also important to instill good hygiene from the word go, by making sure the toddler washes their hands immediately after a potty experience. Investing in a fun children’s soap that is pleasant smelling works wonders. With proper potty training, the interior decorating in a home is protected from the unpleasant soiling of the little one.

1 comment:

  1. Thinks for the tips. This was very helpful for someone preparing to start potty training their child.

    Kelly Brown
